Julie Davies
Professor Emerita Julie Davies is a part-time staff attorney in the Immigration Clinic. After working as a full-time professor at McGeorge for over 30 years teaching courses such as Torts, Civil Rights Litigation, Negotiation and Settlement, and working in the Community Services Legal Clinic, Professor Davies decided to transition to the Immigration Clinic. The Immigration Clinic presents wonderful opportunities for Professor Davies to bring together her various skills and interests.
As a Spanish major at UCLA, and as the Director and a Professor in the law school’s Inter-American program in Guatemala, Professor Davies loves being able to use Spanish to help clients and to bring to bear her knowledge of Central America. Her most recent scholarship prior to the transition focused on customary or indigenous law and many of the Clinic’s clients come from these indigenous communities. It is a joy and an honor to be able to use these skills to help the Clinic’s clients, most of whom have suffered tremendous hardships in life.
BA, JD, University of California, Los Angeles
Representative Scholarship and Activities
Sentencias Trascendentales del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos. Pasos Hacia la Igualdad del Matrimonio Para Parejas del Mismo Sexo, Revista de Derecho Escuela de Postgrado (Universidad de Chile), Dec. 2013 at 207.
The Role and Future of Customary Tort Law in Ghana: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, 26 Ariz. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 303 (2009) (with Dominic Dagbanja).
Methods of Experiential Education: Context, Transferability and Resources, 22 Pac. McGeorge Global Bus. & Dev. L.J. 21 (2009).
Global Issues in Tort Law (with Paul T. Hayden, Thomson/West 2008).
Reforming the Tort Reform Agenda, 25 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol’y 119 (2007).
Re-Imagining Public Enforcement of Title IX, 2007 BYU Educ. & L.J. 25 (2007) (with Lisa M. Bohon).
Report Regarding the McGeorge Workshop on Globalizing the Law School Curriculum, 19 Pac. McGeorge Global Bus. & Dev. L.J. 267 (2006) (with Franklin A. Gevurtz et al.).